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In June of this year, environmental campaigners condemned Amazon after ITV reported the product destruction of millions of unsold stock in one of its 24 U.K. warehouses, including smart TVs, laptops, drones, and hairdryers.

Warehouse full of stocked goods and boxes.

Because of Amazon’s wildly successful business strategy, most sellers opt to store their goods in Amazon’s massive warehouses. However, the longer products remain unsold, the more Amazon charges companies to store their products. It is ultimately less expensive to dispose of products, particularly overseas stocks, than to keep them in storage.

Over the past years, many companies have begun to develop eco-friendly ways of producing and packaging their products. Despite their efforts, industries like fashion and tech remain some of the top pollution contributors (from 2020 to 2021) due to overstocking or faulty products.

What Should You Do to Address Your Unsold Products?

When faced with a warehouse full of faulty, off-spec, returned, or out-of-date products, most manufacturers would rather up-cycle, reuse, or otherwise find the most environmentally and economically sound method to handle these waste streams.

Certified product disposal, also known as product destruction service, is a procedure in which items are safely destroyed or disposed of. This process also guarantees that they are not resold or used unlawfully.

Here are four reasons why big brands like Amazon are using product destruction services:

1. Brand Protection

Products that don’t fulfill your quality requirements have a terrible habit of resurfacing on the black market. Grey market items, whether sold by workers, street vendors, stores, or internet bargain retailers, may wreak havoc on your brand.

Items such as damaged goods, discontinued products, manufacturing overruns, obsolete inventories, blemished or off-spec items, promotional material, confiscated counterfeit products, and unused or outdated product packaging should all be considered for certified product destruction.

2. Limit Liability

If defective and expired items are not properly eliminated, your firm faces a considerable liability risk. This applies to both recalled and non-specified items. Products and equipment that no longer satisfy government regulatory requirements, as well as your internal ones, should be disposed of.

Product returns as a result of recalls becoming more prevalent in the United States. Product recalls are overseen by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC).

3. Proprietary Information

To avoid the disclosure of private information or personnel data, certain media goods, such as digital, films, or paper documents, must be thoroughly destroyed.

Embedded memory with readily duplicated software is common in electrical goods. Prototypes and product test runs must also be destroyed to safeguard the design and look of forthcoming goods that might harm your bottom line if they end up in the hands of your rivals.

4. Compliance With Hazardous Waste Regulations

Companies that operate with hazardous chemicals or poisonous materials for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or medical products require particular handling to protect themselves from the EPA’s and California’s DTSC’s complicated regulatory environment. Disposing of blemished, damaged or expired items that indiscriminately contain hazardous substances carries substantial risk.

Manufacturers and industry giants should seek out disposal companies that are knowledgeable with hazardous waste and recycling standards, regulations, and legislation in addition to offering a certified procedure.

How Can Destruction Central Help Your Business?

Partnering with certified destruction centers like Destruction Central will ensure proper disposal procedures that are tracked and secure. With Destruction Central, you can be certain that your disposal will be handled professionally and that your items will end up where they belong.

Interested in Learning More About Product Destruction Services?

Ask us how you can have cost-effective certified secure product destruction solutions by calling (909) 906-6050. You can also fill out our online contact form